Frequently Asked Questions

How much will I be paid?
This will vary depending on how often you work (the more you work the better ranking you will have on the site), and how often you are in and out of chat. The average model makes $40-50/an hour. Some of our models average much more.
How am I paid?

You will be paid weekly via direct deposit, check.

How does Streamodel make their money?
We do not charge our models any fees. What you see in your earnings, is what you make. Streamodel makes our money directly from the site, so we get a percentage of what they make. You will never see deductions from your earning, and you will be able to see how much you make per individual show.
Can I block certian areas?

Yes. We are able to block up to 5 states, cities, or provinces for you. Your privacy is very important to us.

What do I need to start?

All you need to start is a computer (Intel processor 5 or above, or Mac), high speed internet, and web cam (built in computer camera is fine, we suggest a Logitech HD webcam, minimum 900 pixels). You also need bright lights, and the ability to work at least 8 hours a week to make your account successful.